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Hand Sanitation

Health And Safety

The continued health and safety of our children and team remain a top priority for each of our classrooms. We recognize we are entrusted with your little one’s safety as much as their academic development.


At BJAMS, we strict policies to minimize any Covid impacts on families. We continue to follow and exceed all guidelines put forth by Public Health and the Ministry of Education. As we fall under the childcare category, our mandated health protocols are much stringent than school boards. We take pride in our ability to effectively provide stimulating learning environments while exceeding government health and safety regulations.


Enhance Cleaning 

Public Health’s cleaning protocols for childcare are far more stringent than public schools. Our enhanced cleaning regime includes cleaning and disinfecting our classrooms, toys and equipment on a daily, weekly basis to minimize the spread of germs.


CPR and First Aid Training

All BJAMS team members are certified in standard first aid training including infant and child CPR. This training is renewed every three years to ensure the most current procedures and best practices are part of our safety protocols.



Hand Hygiene

Each of our daily routines include many opportunities for proper hand hygiene. This is presented as a practical life activity, where children develop their independence and sense of self as they learn to identify when and where they should wash their hands without prompting.​


Video Monitoring

Our campuses are monitored with closed circuit television systems (CCTV) with cameras in each classroom. Lobbies are equipped with monitors showing what’s going on in the center in real time. The safety of our students and teachers are our number one priority.

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